Today I made myself a burrito, which shared with my 3 friends, plus me. It was so good, my friends couldn't get enough of it. So, I made each of them two. Here is the recipe to make them:
American Cheese (HIGHLY recommended)
Turkey or ham
Taco Sauce
Microwave (Duh)
1.  Place the tortilla on a plate. Take the cheese and put it in the tortilla. (If you have the big cheese, you divide it into parts. If you have the shredded cheese, just sprinkle it on the tortilla.)
2. Put the turkey (Or ham) onto the tortilla. Take the taco sauce and put it on the turkey (or ham) and cheese.
3. Put the thing in the microwave and set it to 33 seconds. Afterwards, roll it in to a burrito.        
                                            ~^~YOU'RE DONE!!!!!~^~
Congratulations! You have completed the challenge of making my burritos. Enjoy!!

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